Sunday, 29 September 2013


ANIMAL STRESS BLEND  - made by Energy Works from Flower Essences

Flower Essence - Animal Stress Blend - Safe, natural and perfect for Guy Fawkes for your animals and all of your family too
Normally $14 - WEB SPECIAL $12.00 ONLY.
To view and purchase

At Energy Works, we specialize in flower essences for animals as well as people.
in a Our Animal Stress Blend is in a Rescue Remedy base, with added essences to assist animals (and people too) with changes, fears and stresses that they are experiencing.
This is ideal for trips to the Vet or Cattery etc, changes to their environment such as moving house, travel, new people in their household, new animals in their home, noises such as thunder, fireworks etc. or any tme of stress for them.
Used successfully for stressed children, and weaning of young animals too.
Used by Cat Rescue Centres with great success.
Easy to administer - with great results.
A natural product that is safe for all of he family.
Use for people, cats, dogs, horses etc.

Friday, 20 September 2013


We will be hosting a Stand here on

FRIDAY 4 OCTOBER 2013 - 7 - 10.30pm
Join us in this celebration of World Animal Day at the North Harbour Stadium Auckland for a fantastic fundraiser Event on behalf of BARK (Building Awareness aRound K9's) and HURRAH (Humane Rescue, Rehabilitation & Rehoming)

Energy Works (me) will be hosting a stand there, along with many other like minded people.
There will be a schedule of fascinating events throughout the evening as well - so pencil this is your Diary, and come along and meet everyone - and support a fantastic, worthy cause.
Tickets available through iTicket

19:15 Welcome 19:25 Richard Wilson - Parasites 19:45 Dr. Gina Voglar - Emergency veterinary care 20:05 Joseph Cecil - Preventative and wellness testing 20:25 Dr. Lyn Thompson - Canine health and nutrition 20:45 INTERMISSION 21:05 Leanne Coste - The importance of socialisation and stimulation 21:25 Bastian Groiss - Dog behaviour and human influences 21:45 Barbara McDonald - Rally obedience and NZKC canine good citizen 22:05 Angela to announce winner of silent auction 22:25 CLOSE

Expo Stalls: Stop party pill testing on animals NZ Mojo Mathers - Green Party Animal Welfare campaign K9 Doggy Deli Urban Dogs BARK NZ HURRAH Dog Rescue Canine Spirit Guardians Dog Minding Raw Essentials The K9 Way Pets and Pats Chopper's Designer Dog Wear NZ Energy Works NZ
Tickets available on this link

Saturday, 7 September 2013

 We will be at the Glenfield Spiritualist Church, Hall Road, Glenfield Auckland this Saturday 14 September 2013 from 10am for their Annual Day of Clairvoyance fundraiser to promote our wonderful, natural Healing Synergens range of products, suitable for both family and animals. So call in and say hello and check them out!

Friday, 6 September 2013

WORLD ANIMAL DAY 2013 is Friday 4 October.

Join us in this celebration of World Animal Day at the North Harbour Stadium North Shore Auckland for a fantastic fundraiser Event on behalf of BARK (Building Awareness aRound K9's) and HURRAH (Humane Rescue, Rehabilitation & Rehoming)

Energy Works (me) will be hosting a stand there, along with many other like minded people.
There will be a schedule of fascinating events throughout the evening as well - so pencil this is your Diary, and come along and meet everyone - and support a fantastic, worthy cause.
Tickets available through iTicket